” Paglí kí Havelí ” tribute to the birth centenary of Gloria Fuertes,

- clock7 October – 8 OctoberInstituto Cervantes Nueva DelhiHanuman Road, 48. Connaught Place, New Delhi, IndiaTHEATREWe invite you to the performance of ” Paglí kí Havelí ” as part of our tribute to the birth centenary of Gloria Fuertes, performed by Saitan Theatre GroupSábado / Saturday 7th of October, 6:30 p.m.
Domingo / Sunday 8th of October, 12:00 p.m.
Auditorio, Instituto Cervantes Nueva Delhi
Performance in Hindi. FREE ENTRYAbout the play: Humor, at times tinged with tragedy, surrealism, costumbrismo and a critical look of its social environment are characteristics of this work. Through a range of characters and personalities there is a vision of a desolate time, without great ambition and where finding a husband or wife is one of the few aspirations to escape ruin. The work is a clear example of the way that Gloria Fuertes had to decipher the reality that surrounded her, transforming it through tragedy, humor or innocence into the literature of an emotional closeness. The story focuses on the experiences of three sisters, especially one of them, crazed after the loss of her mother and who keeps her home unchanged from that moment on to keep the memory of her mother uncontaminated. The woman is dedicated to reciting poetry and under this guise presents an accurate analysis of everything happening around her.Cast: Bhoomika Meena, Niharika Kundu, Mahima Bareja, Gaurika Bhatt, Vinita Samant, Ramgopal Sharma, Sandeep, Devesh, Saksham, Suraj, Shubham Yadav, ChiragDirector: Rajneesh GautamAbout the theatre company: Saitan Theatre Group. While carving a niche in their professional arenas, this team of dedicated thespians is constantly sharpening their skills to enter into a world of grease and paint to show their theatrical prowess. While some are dexterous with scalpel and stethoscope, and others are steadily and successfully making their mark in their respective fields, their focus remains firmly grounded in the world of art. Launched in July 2014 by two sprightly youths, Namita Verma and Rajneesh Gautam, this theater group operating under the name SAITAN, which is derived from Saint and Satan, wants to present before the world the two extremes that exist in every person! They have done 12 stage productions till now and working on more.About the director: Rajneesh Gautam has studied at University college of medical sciences, Delhi University. He has been associated with theatre for last 10 years as a writer, director and an actor. He has been trained under NSD professionals for annual productions for various theatre festivals at Siri Fort auditorium consecutively for three years. During his college days, he practiced street and stage theater with the college dramatics team. After college, he has been associated with various renowned theatre groups like Atelier, Curtain Calls, Illusionists, Roobaroo theatre group, Theatre in motion and performed at various National and State level theatre festivals like Kala Ghoda festival, Ateliers Campus theatre festival, Sahitya Kala Academy theatre festival, Jashn-e-Dilli, Jashn-e-Aazaadi, Urdu Academy theatre festival, Thespo Theatre Festival, Bharangam Theatre Festival etc. He has founded his own theatre group “SAITAN” in July 2014. They have done 12 stage productions till now and working on more. He has associated with an NGO “CEED” to perform street plays under “Solar Rooftop Programme” & “Help Delhi Breathe” campaign at various locations in Delhi. They did 21 performances throughout Delhi. He has worked with various NGO’s named OM Foundation, Carol Foundation, Swarachna Trust etc. A poet at heart he believes in the freedom of art and speech.About the author: Gloria Fuertes (Madrid, July 28, 1917 – Madrid, November 27, 1998) writer of narrative, poetry, theater and prolific author of children’s and youth literature. Her interest in writing began at the early age of five, when she was already writing and drawing her own short stories. She published her first poem at only fourteen in 1932, titled “Childhood, youth, old age”. In the 1940s she began her foray into the professional literary world. In the first five years some of her children’s plays and poems staged in several theaters in Madrid stood out. She began working as an editor in the children’s magazine Maravillas (from 1939 to 1953) where she published weekly stories, comic books and poetry. In 1942 she met Carlos Edmundo de Ory, integrating in the poetic movement called Postism, actively participating in the magazines Postismo and Cerbatana with Ory, Eduardo Chicharro and Silvano Sernesi. She also collaborated in another magazine, Chicas (from 1940 to 1945), publishing humor stories, and in the newspaper Arriba with the Coletas and Pelines comics. Alongside this, she founded the group Versos with skirts next to Maria Dolores de Pueblos and Adelaida Lasantas, dedicated during two years to offer recitals and readings by the bars and cafes of the capital. In 1950 Pirulí published, two years after her first play in verse Prometheus that takes the Valle-Inclán prize, and in 1954 throws Anthology Poetics and Poems of the suburb. During these first years of the decade she organized a children’s library for small towns with the desire to tackle illiteracy, and founding together with Antonio Gala, Rafael Mir and Julio Mariscal the poetic magazine Arquero, which she directed until 1954. From 1955 to 1960 she studied Library Science and English at the International Institute. In 1960 she traveled for three years to the USA after obtaining a Fullbirght scholarship to teach Spanish literature at Bucknell University, Mary Baldwin College and Bryn Mawr College. In 1972 she received a scholarship from the Juan March Foundation for Children’s Literature, which allowed her to devote herself entirely to literature. Two new titles were added to her poetic work: Alone at home and When you learn geography (1973). Halfway through the decade she receives the Hans Christian Andersen award for children’s literature for Cangura, marking her as one of the best authors of children’s literature. She also collaborated on several programs of children’s literature of TVE, the most popular being “A balloon, two balloons, three balloons” and “The white kite” that, together with her compositions of children’s song lyrics, designate her as the children’s poet. She also writes for the magazines Quail and Discóbolo. Throughout the 80s Gloria Fuertes is unstoppable and intense: readings, interviews, radio, tributes, newspapers, trips, visits to schools and constant publications. They emphasize her stories for children: La pájara pint (1972), La gata chundarata and other stories (1974), The mummy has a sore throat (1978), The squirrel and its gang (1980), Cocoloco pocoloco The Coquette Giraffe (1986). The whole of Gloria Fuertes’ work is characterized by the irony with which she treats such universal themes as love, loneliness, the pain of death. The metaphors, the linguistic games and the fresh and simple character that put to the songs of a great musicality and cadence close to the oral language appear. Her lyrical accent is one of the most personal, authentic and distinctive among contemporary poetsSobre la obra: El humor, por momentos con tinte trágicos, el surrealismo, el costumbrismo y una mirada crítica de su entorno social son características de esta obra, en la que a través de un abanico de personajes y personalidades se realiza una visión de una época desoladora, sin grandes ambiciones y donde encontrar marido o mujer es una de las pocas aspiraciones que se tienen para salir de la ruina. Esta obra es un claro ejemplo de la personalísima manera que Gloria Fuertes tenía para descifrar la realidad que le rodeaba, convirtiéndola por medio de la tragedia, el humor o la inocencia en literatura de una emotiva cercanía. La historia se centra en las vivencias de tres hermanas, sobre todo en una de ellas, loca tras la pérdida de su madre y que pretende mantener su hogar sin ninguna variación desde ese momento para mantener el recuerdo impoluto. Esta situación recuerda de alguna manera al abuelo de “El tragaluz” de Antonio Buero Vallejo, aunque en esta ocasión la mujer se dedica a recitar poesía y bajo su aspecto de “ida” hace un análisis exacto de lo que sucede a su alrededor por medio de los versos que recita. A través de una abanico de personajes y personalidades se realiza una visión de una época desoladora, sin grandes ambiciones y donde encontrar marido/mujer es una de las pocas aspiraciones que se tienen para salir de la ruina. En un final sorprendente, Esperanza recuperará la cordura tras conocer el amor, cosa que le llevará a asumir una realidad que no está exenta de sufrimiento y dolor.
Las Vegas Mandalay bay Hotel Concert shooting
Las Vegas concert shooting
Deadliest mass shooting by 64 year old Stephen Paddock Shooted from 32nd floor of Mandalay bay hotel killing 50 people and more than 200 wounded by automatic gun shooting on concert rapping up, the well attended by nearly thirty thousand people.
With barrage of gun shots for nearly 20-30 minutes, music loving congregation with sudden gun shot went helter skelter run for safe.
Shooter is local of Metropolitan city of Las Vegas was accompanied with lady Merilou Sankey, the room mate and is being questioned by Metropolitan Police.
Suspect shooter was killed at lightening speed by the Swift acts of Metropolitan police Las Vegas to quell the violence continuously killing randomly by vandal shooter so created by his savage act.
Suspect Stephen Paddock room and house to searched for further investigation with search warrant.
US President Donald J Triumph with identity crystallise tweeted to communicate his condolence to victims and families lost their loved ones.
Police Las Vegas in their brief asked not to panic further as violence act is at rest. Hunt for Suspect companion and two vehicles are found. Matter is under ongoing investigation.
Families looking to locate missing one requested to call.
1 866-535-5654
CNN TV & Media agencies Twitters Reports
Jagson Entertainment Company cordially invites you to attend the Press Conference & to share with you the uniqueness of their latest film
(An upcoming Indian comedy drama film. Based on the plot of Delhi NCR Land scam. Annu Kapoor plays the protagonist.)
To be addressed by:
- Annu Kapoor
- Girish Juneja (Director)
- Jagdish Gupta (Producer)
Time: 3:30 pm
Date: 3rd October 2017 (Tuesday)
Venue: Le Méridien, New Delhi
Croatia at Glance
3 Oct. at 12:35 pm
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October 2017
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Dear citizens of Zagreb, dear guests!
With the coming of Autumn and the rainy days to our city we are continuing to organise a great many interesting events at indoor, but no less attractive locations. I invite you to continue exploring our beautiful city which has become a desirable European destination.
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Dear friends and business partners!
The multimedia exhibition “Croatia is Hrvatska” has opened in the Grič tunnel and reveals to us a host of well-known and little-known details from 133 turbulent years of the history of Croatia, Zagreb and the insurance company Croatia osiguranje. It is a wonderful introduction to the rich tourist and cultural offering of a Zagreb autumn.
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The Works of the Greats of Croatian Art in Klovićevi dvori – Vasko Lipovac Retrospective
In Klovićevi dvori on 14 September a large retrospective exhibition opened on the respected Croatian artist Vasko Lipovac, one of the most significant Croatian artists of the second part of the 20th century. Or, to put it better, from 14 September head for Klovićevi dvori for a dose of optimisim, brightness, good spirit, smiles and cheer which this great artist brings.
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[VLOG] Zagreb Shortcuts
Here the stories are more personal, the food is tastier, the music is louder and the city is more magical. Follow #ZagrebVlog and get to know Zagreb in a new way!
Published by: Zagreb Tourist Board | Produced by: Plava ponistra d.o.o., Zagreb |
The Confederation of All India Traders (CAIT) today expressed its deep anguish and resentment for the lethargic attitude of the Government for not taking any action against e commerce portals for openly flouting FDI policy of the Government in spite of making written complaints. The CAIT in a communication sent today to Shri Ramesh Abhishek, Secretary. Department of Industrial Promotion and Planning, Ministry of Commerce has said in plain words that if no action is taken by the Government, the trade body may opt for approaching Court of law for obtaining justice.
It is noteworthy to mention that the CAIT on 23rd September had sent a communication to Shri Suresh Prabhu, Minister for Commerce regarding gross violation of FDI policy by e-commerce portals and the said communication was referred to Secretary, DIPP for appropriate action same day.
CAIT National President Mr. B.C.Bhartia & Secretary General Mr. Praveen Khandelwal said that it is much regretted that almost a week has gone but so far no action has been taken against such e commerce portals as a result of which some of them are again going to violate the FDI policy which is evident from the fact that similar big Advertisements are visible for different kind of festival Sales on the occasion of Diwali for the purpose of attracting public in general which is utter violation of the FDI Policy as these e commerce portals are certainly not allowed to conduct Business to Consumer activities rather they are restricted to conduct only Business to Business activities.
They questioned as to why the Government is not taking any action against these e commerce players who are violating Government’s policy openly and dearly without any fear of law or rules and regulations. Such conduct on this issue and also raised few questions like what is preventing the Government in taking any action against these portals. Is there any hidden pressure for not taking any action . In spite of making written complaints since last three years, no action has been taken which is encouraging these e commerce portals to violate the policy and proving it as a joke of the Government. Whether law is different or its interpretation is different for different people.
Both Mr. Bhartia & Mr. Khandelwal said that such an attitude of the Government for not taking any action is directly and adversely affecting the business of brick and mortar shops due to uneven level playing field. They further said that if its complaint is wrong and not in accordance with the policy laid down by the Government, they should be informed and if the Complaint is genuine, then action should be taken immediately.
The CAIT has demanded to take immediate action against policy defaulter e commerce companies and impose ban on working of their portal and conduct an impartial inquiry into the issues raised by us and we should be given an opportunity of hearing.
It has categorically said that if no action is taken by the Government immediately, we shall be compelled to take shelter of the Court of Law for obtaining justice entirely on risk and cost of the Government.
Kurdish independence non binding referendum
Iraq Kurdis vote in Historic Independence Referendum, shrugging off threats: “We have been waiting 100years for this” said Rizgar. Defying Baghdad, Iraqi Kurds vote in independence referendum.

Voting started on Monday in anindependence referendum organised by the Kurdis.
President of the Kurdistan Region is scheduled to hold a meeting with Kurdish political parties.
Kurdistan Toilers Party’s (KTP) Leadership Board who has been invited by President Masoud Barzani for Wednesday’s meeting.
Iran has embargoed exports and imports of fuel products to Iraqi Kurdistan in response to its controversial independence referendum.
This was reported by Iran’s State broadcaster IRIB. Iraqi Kurds overwhelmingly voted for independence in Monday’s non-binding referendum which aroused strong opposition from regional states.
According to news agencies, Iran strongly opposes independence for the Iraqi Kurds as it fears it will provoke separatists among its own Kurdish population.
Iran is one of the main exporters of fuel products to Kurdis
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