Sunday, March 10, 2013


Concierto: "Huellas" por Jorge Pardo

Concert: "Traces"
by Jorge Pardo
Dentro del Festival Internacional de Jazz de Delhi:
Jorge Pardo es uno de los músicos españoles con mayor proyección fuera de nuestras fronteras. Su
habilidad y sabiduría musical fusiona diferentes  estilos musicales como el flamenco y el jazz. Ha llevado a cabo algunas importantes etapas junto a músicos muy solicitados. Chick Corea, Gil Goldstein, Camarón de la Isla o Paco de Lucía, entre otros muchos, son algunos de los genios que han trabajado con este gran músico.
'' Huellas'' quiere convertirse en una retrospectiva madura y contemporánea de su música y carrera hasta ahora, la nueva figura del Jazz-Flamenco español junto a  figuras reconocidas y con experiencia.
17/03/2013Nehru Park, 6:30pm. Entrada libre (+)

In the Delhi International Fazz Festival:
Jorge Pardo is one of Spain's musicians with most projection outside our borders. His skill and musical wisdom fuse different musical styles like flamenco and jazz, and have led him to perform on some of the most important stages next to highly requested musicians from the current music scene. Chick Corea, Gil Goldstein, Camaron de la Isla o Paco de Lucia among many others, are some of the geniuses who have applied the expertise and skill of this great musician.
''Traces'' wants to become a  mature and contemporary retrospective from his music and career so far, the new wave of Spanish Jazz-Flamenco together with experienced and recognized figures.

17/03/2013 Nehru Park, 6:30pm. Free entry (+)

Sala de conferencias, Instituto Cervantes.6:30pm. Entrada libre/Free entry.
Conferencia: Las Tradiciones Peruanas de Ricardo Palma
Las Tradiciones Peruanas se conforman por una cantidad invalorable de relatos históricos, cuyos argumentos concilian la ficción y la realidad, la narración de cada uno de ellos es bastante atractiva y mantiene al lector con el interés despierto, en cuanto al lenguaje, se utiliza uno de la época, con mucha formalidad y modismos. Cada historia que conforma Las Tradiciones Peruanas narra singularmente algún hecho histórico con menor o mayor relevancia según sea el caso, pero contadas de una manera muy informativa, y con mucha mesura para dejar entender algún consejo o moraleja en muchos casos.(+)
Talk: The Peruvian Traditions by Ricardo Palma
Peruvian Traditions conform to a number of invaluable historical accounts, whose arguments reconcile fiction and reality, the narration of each one of them is quite attractive and keeps the reader awake. As for the language, one of the epoch is used, with many formality and idioms. Each story that forms the Peruvian traditions uniquely recounts some historic with greater or lesser relevance fact as the case may be, but told in a very informative way, and with much restraint to allow to understand some advice or moral in many cases.
Auditorio, Instituto Cervantes. 4:30pm. Entrada libre/Free entry.
Cine: "Siete mesas de billar francés"
Ángela y su hijo Guille viajan a la gran ciudad para ver a Leo, su padre y el abuelo del niño, cuando enferma repentinamente. Sin embargo, llegan para descubrir que acaba de fallecer. Charo, amante del difunto, explica los rasgos de la ruina del negocio paterno: un local con siete mesas de billar.
Charo está convencida de que la única manera de pagar las deudas es vender el lugar. Sin embargo, Ángela se empeña en salir adelante y reconstruir su vida. Y lo primero que decide es emplear sus ahorros en poner el viejo lugar de las siete mesas de billar de nuevo en pie. (+)
Movie: "Seven French billiards"
Jorge Pardo annually offers more than 150 concerts all over the world. He has more than 20 records released and endless collaborations, he has worked leading and nurturing with his music lots of formations and projects. ''Huellas'' wants to become a mature and contemporary retrospective from his music and career so far. The new wave of Spanish Jazz-Flamenco together with experienced and recognized figures. (+)


India Habitat Centre
"Bernarda's backstage" at Isahara International Puppet Festival
"Bernarda entre bastidores" en el Isahara Puppet Theatre Festival

Auditorio Instituto Cervantes
Venezuelan Film Series
Muestra de cine venezolano

Instituto Cervantes
World book and copyright day
Día mundial del libro y del derecho de autor

foto cervantes mundo
SPAIN: Cuatro poetas para "Ellas crean"  (+)
ESPAÑA: Four poets to"She Creates" (+)
foto cervantes mundo
SPAIN: She Creates Festival  (+)
ESPAÑA: Festival Ellas Crean (+)


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Neha Tripathi wins the BT Pro Am of Champions 2013 in a nail biter

Manesar, March 10, 2013: In a nail biting finish, India’s Neha Tripathi edged past Thailand’s Pennapa Pulsawath to win the 18th edition of the  BT Pro Am of Champions 2013. With both the players tied after the second round at identical scores of 141, the match was decided by a playoff and Neha emerged victorious in the second playoff on the 18th hole.

Overnight leaders Neha and Pennapa both played a steady round of par 72 to finish at 141. Neha carded birdies of the fourth, fifth, 12th and 14th and had bogeys on the second, sixth, 10th and 11th. Pennapa sank birdies on the first, seventh, ninth and 18th and bogeys on fourth, sixth, 12th and 16th. Just like the first round both the players fought it out really hard and it was very closely contested final day at the 18th edition of the BT Pro Am of champions. Neha was leading at the 17th, however Pennapa carded a birdie on the 18th to level the scores forcing a play off.

Veteran golfer Smriti Mehra made a remarkable comeback to finish third. She was brilliant throughout the day as she carded seven birdies on third, sixth, eighth, 12th, 13th, 14th and 18th holes. Her only bogey came early at the fourth and she didn’t look back from thereon to finish the second at a brilliant six under 66 and a total score of 142. She was placed tied eighth after the first round.

Thai golfer Tiranan Yoopan played a solid round of one under 71 to finish fourth with a total score of 143. Tang Ni Nhung of Vietnam finished fifth with a total score of 148.

India’s Rani Sonti finished tied seventh with Amolkan Phalajivin of Thailand and Hathaikarn Wongwaikijphaisal, also from Thailand, with identical score of 150. Vani Kapoor with total score of 151 finshed tied 10thalong with Ainil Abu Bakar Johani of Malaysia.

Neha Tripathi – 141 (69, 72)
Pennapa Pulsawath – 141 (69, 72)
Smriti Mehara – 142 (76, 66)
Tiranan Yoopan – 143 (72, 71)
Tang Ni Nhung- 148 (75, 73)

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