Friday, September 6, 2013

Intel launches Intel® Learn Easy Steps Application

·         New mobile application for the continued expansion of Intel’s Digital Literacy Efforts
·         Unveils a ‘Follow the Fibre’ impact study on the completion of a three village digital literacy program as part of National Digital Literacy Mission

Delhi, September 5, 2013: Intel India today announced the expansion of its digital literacy efforts and launched an Android*based application of Intel® Learn Easy Steps – the marquee digital literacy curriculum of Intel. As part of the initiatives undertaken under the National Digital Literacy Mission, Intel today also announced the completion of its ‘Follow the Fiber’ program conducted in the first three villages to receive connectivity as part of the National Optic Fiber Network rollout and released an impact study about the same. Intel, NASSCOM and Digital Empowerment Foundation (DEF) also felicitated trainers and some beneficiaries who participated in this program.
The event was attended by Mr. Som Mittal, President NASSCOM, Mr. N Ravi Shankar Administrator  USOF& MD, BBNL, DoT, Ministry of Communications & IT, Govt. of India and Mr. J Satyanarayana, Secretary, Departments of Electronics and Information Technology, Govt. of India along with Osama Manzar, Founder Digital Empowerment Foundation. Gregory Bryant, VP, Sales and Marketing Group, GM, Intel APAC as well as Ms. Debjani Ghosh, Managing Director, Intel South Asia were also present at the event
Intel along with NASSCOM had launched the National Digital Literacy Mission in August 2012 bringing together several players from the ecosystem on the same platform to work towards a common goal of accelerating digital literacy in India in order to help realize the government’s vision of having at least 1 e-literate person in every household in India by the year 2020.
‘Follow the Fiber’ Program
Intel along with its NGO partner  Digital Empowerment Foundation launched the ‘Follow the Fiber’ program in October 2012 with the aim of making 1 person/household e-literate in the three villages that received the National Optic Fiber Network namely Arain in Rajasthan, Naogang in North Tripura and Pravada in Andhra Pradesh. Over the last 9 months about 1700 households from these three villages have been reached and have at least one e-literate member in the household. Intel and DEF along with the Open Knowledge Community conducted an impact study in these three villages to outline challenges, opportunities and recommendations to guide implementation of digital literacy training as the NOFN rolls out pan India.
Talking about the completion of the program, Debjani Ghosh, Managing Director, Intel South Asia said “The work done in these three villages under the National Digital Literacy Mission gives us insights into the challenges at the grass roots and the impact that digital literacy can have on the lives of people. We hope that the impact study we’re releasing today is helpful and will be utilized by the government and industry as they implement their digital inclusion programs.”
Intel® Learn Easy Steps Application
The Intel® Learn Easy Steps curriculum is Intel’s marquee digital literacy training curriculum that focuses on the integration of technology in our daily lives in simple ways and teaches users how technology can improve productivity, employability and impact livelihood. Intel has already trained over 1.7 million individuals in India over the last eighteen months using this curriculum. Currently, training using Intel Learn Easy Steps curriculum is offered face to face and is available online, however to scale digital literacy and take it to the next level at the grass roots, Intel has created an Android* based application of the Intel Easy Steps curriculum that will be freely available from 5th September 2013  onwards.
Commenting on the occasion, Gregory Bryant, VP, Sales and Marketing Group, GM, Intel APAC said, “Technology has the ability to drive inclusive growth by enabling access to education, healthcare and government services. Digital literacy is the first step in empowering citizens to take advantage of these services. Intel is committed to driving digital literacy in India and we are proud to announce the launch of this new application that will help scale digital literacy to the grass roots.”
Trainers from the Digital Empowerment Foundation who empowered the citizens of these three villages with knowledge of how technology can make a real difference were also recognized for their contributions. Some ‘local heroes’, such as citizens who went on to use digital literacy skills to impact their livelihoods and communities were also honored at this event.

About Intel
Intel (NASDAQ: INTC) is a world leader in computing innovation. The company designs and builds the essential technologies that serve as the foundation for the world’s computing devices. Additional information about Intel is available and
Intel, Intel Core, Intel Atom and the Intel logo are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the United States and other countries.  * Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
Vishal Gaba
Amer Qasim



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Pambazuka NewsPambazuka News is produced by a pan-African community of some 2,600 citizens and organisations – academics, policy makers, social activists, women’s organisations, civil society organisations, writers, artists, poets, bloggers, and commentators who together produce insightful, sharp and thoughtful analyses and make it one of the largest and most innovative and influential web forums for social justice in Africa.



Earth GrabA Reader
Sylvia Tamale
A groundbreaking book, accessible but scholarly, by African activists. It uses research, life stories and artistic expression to examine dominant and deviant sexualities, and investigate the intersections between sex, power, masculinities and femininities
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From Citizen to RefugeeHorace Campbell
In this elegantly written and incisive account, scholar Horace Campbell investigates the political and economic crises of the early twenty-first century through the prism of NATO’s intervention in Libya.
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Demystifying AidEdited by Sokari Ekine, Hakima Abbas 
A diverse collection of writing from across the continent exploring African LGBTI liberation: identity, tactics for activism, international solidarity, homophobia and global politics, religion and culture, and intersections with social justice movements. A richness of voices, a multiplicity of discourses, a quiverful of arguments. African queers writing for each other, theorising ourselves, making our …more
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African AwakeningA Marriage of Convenience?
Edited by Marcus Power, Ana Alves
This book focuses on the increased co-operation between Angola and China and shows that although relations with China might have bolstered regime stability and boosted the international standing of the Angolan government, China is not regarded as a long term strategic partner.
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To Cook a ContinentWalter Rodney
Rodney shows how the imperial countries of Europe, and subsequently the US, bear major responsibility for impoverishing Africa. They have been joined in this exploitation by agents or unwitting accomplices both in the North and in Africa.
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Pambazuka broadcasts feature audio and video content with cutting edge commentary and debate from social justice movements across the continent.
See the list of episodes.


This site has been established by Fahamu to provide regular feedback to African civil society organisations on what is happening with the African Union.


Deborah Brautigam provides an overview and description of China’s development finance to Africa. “Looking at the nature of Chinese development aid – and non-aid – to Africa provides insights into China’s strategic approach to outward investment and economic diplomacy, even if exact figures and strategies are not easily ascertained”, she states as she describes China’s provision of grants, zero-interest loans and concessional loans. Pambazuka Press recently released a publication titled India in Africa: Changing Geographies of Power, and Oliver Stuenkel provides his review of the book.
The December edition available here
The 2010 issues: SeptemberOctober,NovemberDecember, and the 2011 issues:JanuaryFebruaryMarch , April, May , June ,July , August SeptemberOctober andNovember issues are all available for download.
Pambazuka PressPambazuka PressPambazuka PressPambazuka PressPambazuka PressPambazuka Press


Algeria redux in Egypt

David Porter (2013-09-05)

cc J L
Egypt appears to be following the bloody path of Algeria in the early 1990s. The leaderless revolution of 2011 has been coopted by the military yet requires the demise of the terrorizing capitalist world system that encourages both military regimes and authoritarian populisms

Samir Amin reflects on Egypt

Samir Amin (2013-09-05)

cc O R
On 15 July 2013 Samir Amin was interviewed by Beifang, China. He expressed his views that the action of the army was not a coup d’etat as well as the tasks facing the popular movement in Egypt

Dr. King was a man, ‘The Dreamer’ is a zombie

Bruce A. Dixon (2013-09-04)

cc L P
King’s ‘I Have A Dream’ speech wasn’t offered as the penultimate moment of his career till after his death. Those who offer it were the same corporate media honchos who first elevated, then slimed and slandered King the last year of his life. ‘The Dreamer’ too is their construct

The dreamer with a kill list

Glen Ford (2013-09-04)

cc U2
The most powerful – and violent – man in the world was made the star of the commemoration of the March on Washington and Dr. Martin Luther King

King and the Universal Struggle for African Freedom – 50 Years Later

Edward H. Brown, Jr (2013-09-04)

cc S B
The best way for today’s Freedom Marchers to honour the great legacy of our past is to make specific demands and proposals that will remedy the ongoing racial injustices in the second decade of the 21st century

March on Washington 50th anniversary renews call for jobs and freedom

Abayomi Azikiwe (2013-09-04)

cc PT
Fifty years after the March on Washington, President Barack Obama is in the White House yet African Americans remain in poverty and suffer unemployment rates twice the size of that of the white population

GMOs: The frequently asked questions

Food Safety Ghana (2013-09-04)

cc G A
Commercial interests, rather than health and scientific interests, are driving the push for genetically modified organisms. People in Africa need to know the truth about GMOs and resist their introduction

Dishonour among African election thieves

Alemayehu G Mariam (2013-09-05)

cc TH
Ethiopia’s elections in 2015 are likely to be similar to the recent Zimbabwean elections that perpetuated a ‘thugtatorship.’ As long as the US and Europe continue to provide endless handouts, Africa is doomed to remain a thugocracy

Extreme weather and even more extreme greenhouse gas emissions beckon extremely committed climate activists

Patrick Bond (2013-09-04)

cc B W
There is ample evidence from around the world of extreme weather conditions arising from the devastating effects of climate change. But there is still plenty of denial among those who design and implement environmentally sensitive projects

Rwandans now weary of picking up the pieces of Kagame leadership

Antoine Roger Lokongo (2013-09-05)

cc K S
The Congolese army has been flexing its muscles in killing hundreds of Rwandan and Ugandan soldiers in eastern Congo. Demonstrations by the Congolese masses have taken place as well as a new cooperation agreement among some countries in the Great Lakes region

Nigeria’s electricity privatization

Kola Ibrahim (2013-09-04)

cc J G
The power sector should be taken out of the hands of private profiteers and corrupt, pro-big business public officers. The sector must be put under democratic public ownership

Is Africa really rising?

Ama Biney (2013-09-04)

cc A A
Imitating and catching up with the West lies behind the ‘Africa is rising’ narratives. Such narratives are uncritical of neo-liberal development models and therefore maintain Africa’s subordination to the international capitalist order

Boletín de Nueva Tribuna 
Boletín informativo. Viernes 6 de Septiembre 2013.
Los medios afines al PP hacen ‘caja’ con la última campaña contra la violencia de género 
El ministerio de Ana Mato, del que depende el área de Igualdad, benefició económicamente a los medios de comunicación afines al PP con el reparto de publicidad de la última campaña contra la violencia de género. El PSOE pide la comparecencia de la ministra para que explique los criterios de reparto de las inserciones publicitarias que califica de "espuria, irracional y deshonesta con las victimas". 
· Quim González Muntadas RSC y gestión por valores 
Una vez más, en estos días se oye a algunos dirigentes de CEOE reiterar sus propuestas de cambios legislativos, dirigidos a desregular y recortar derechos...
· Marcos de Castro SanzCentroamérica, objetivos del milenio y economía social 
Se ha celebrado los días 29 y 30 de agosto en Costa Rica una reunión internacional con el objetivo de debatir y analizar la presencia de la economía social como actor de los objetivos del milenio...
Fiscalía denuncia a Serra por cobros exagerados en Caixa Catalunya 
El fiscal Fernando Maldonado denuncia a los miembros que adoptaron los acuerdos que constan en las actas del 19 de enero de 2010 y del 13 de octubre de 2010 donde se suscribieron fondos de pensiones, seguros, pólizas e indemnizaciones que pudieron suponer una "administración desleal", según la denuncia.
"No se puede imponer una penalización a todos los pensionistas", denuncia Méndez 
El Secretario General de UGT, Cándido Méndez, ha realizado estas declaraciones tras la inauguración de la Escola d’Estiu de UGT-País Valenciano
España, entre los países de la UE que menos recauda por la Renta 
Por detrás sólo quedan Portugal (9,3%) y los diez miembros más recientes de la UE. La lista la cierran Eslovaquia (5,6%), Bulgaria (5%) y Lituania (4,9%).
¿Apadrinar estudiantes universitarios sin recursos? 
Adelaida De la Calle, presidenta de la Conferencia de Rectores de Universidades Españolas ha hablado, incluso, de crear una bolsa de particulares para que, "igual que se apadrina a un niño, apadrinar a un estudiante, pagando una matrícula".
"La que menos quebraderos de cabeza dará al COI, es Madrid" 
Teresa Perales junto a Pau Gasol, tratarán de exponer el sábado al casi centenar de miembros del Comité Olímpico con derecho a voto las razones por las que la de España es una apuesta ganadora.
Jueces chilenos piden perdón por sus "omisiones" durante la dictadura de Pinochet 
El Poder Judicial ha reconocido que "incurrió en acciones y omisiones impropias de su función al haberse negado, salvo aisladas pero valiosas excepciones, a prestar protección a quienes reclamaron una y otra vez su intervención".
El ataque se complica 
Por Juan Antonio Sacaluga | El debate en el Congreso norteamericano ha puesto en evidencia las complicaciones y dudas que rodean una de las decisiones más arriesgadas de Barack Obama.

Damasco, entre Ulises y el lobo feroz 
Por José Manuel Rambla | Mientras todos se muestras felices tras rescatar del baúl de los recuerdos los viejos cuentos, poco importan los millares de sirios muertos, torturados, desplazados, exiliados y acorralados.

Un día, allí, estuvo el paraíso 
Por Pedro Luis Angosto | Estados Unidos tiene asegurado el petróleo para unas décadas –los muertos ajenos no cuentan- y la libertad, base de la democracia, está en retroceso en todo el mundo, salvo para los mercados y los mercaderes.
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