To Mári KövesMe
Apr 25 at 6:01 PM
Dear Friends,
As part of the ongoing music lecture series “AN INTRODUCTION TO WESTERN CLASSICAL MUSIC” presented by Dr. Punita Singh we are pleased to invite you for the fourth lecture titled “Late Classical into Romantic” which will take place on Monday, 28th April at 6:00 pm at the Hungarian Centre.
Please mark your calendar and we look forward to your gracious presence.
Kind regards and wishing you all a great weekend,
Hungarian Information & Cultural Centre
1/A Janpath
New Delhi 110011
New Delhi 110011
Mob 9810040261
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Feb FDI grows around 12%
The FDI equity inflows for the month of Feb 2014 are estimated at around US$ 2.01 bn as against about US$ 1.80 bn in Feb 2013, posting a growth (Y-o-Y) of 12%. The growth in FDI equity inflows stands at around 1.5% in Jan, 0.1% in Dec 2013, 55% in Nov 2013, (-) 37.7% in Oct 2013 and (-) 12% in Sep 2013.
Trend in growth of FDI equity inflows over the months (in %)
Source: PHD Research Bureau compiled from Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion.
The total FDI equity inflows, in the period April-Feb 2013-14 are estimated at around US$ 20.8 bn; representing negative growth of around (-)0.6% over the FDI equity inflows of about US$ 20.9 bn for the corresponding period last year.
Recent trend in FDI equity inflows (FY 2014)
Financial Year 2013- 2014 (April-March) | Amount of FDI equity inflows | ||
(In Rs. Crore) | (In US$ mn) | ||
1 | Apr-13 | 12,623 | 2,322 |
2 | May-13 | 8,974 | 1,631 |
3 | Jun-13 | 8,432 | 1,444 |
4 | Jul-13 | 9,903 | 1,657 |
5 | Aug-13 | 8,899 | 1,408 |
6 | Sep-13 | 26,351 | 4,132 |
7 | Oct-13 | 7,556 | 1,226 |
8 | Nov-13 | 10,257 | 1,638 |
9 | Dec-13 | 6,819 | 1,101 |
10 | Jan- 14 | 13,589 | 2,189 |
11 | Feb-14 | 12557 | 2017 |
2013-14 (from April-Feb2014) | 125960 | 20766 | |
2012-13 (from April-Feb 2013) | 113610 | 20899 | |
%age growth over last year | 11% | (-) 0.6% |
Source: PHD Research Bureau compiled from Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion.
Mauritius tops the chart as an investing country, with the top investing sectors being the services sector (includes financial, banking, insurance, non-financial / business, outsourcing, R&D, courier, tech. testing and analysis). Also, Mumbai and New Delhi are observed to be the cities attracting the highest FDI equity inflows.
Service sector and construction development constitute the highest share in attracting FDI equity inflows during April 2000 – February 2014 of around 18% and 11%, respectively. Telecommunications and Computer software & hardware posted share of 6% and drugs & pharmaceuticals constitute about 5% during the same period. Chemicals (other than fertilizers), Automobile Industry, Power and Metallurgical Industries constitute share of about 4% in FDI equity inflows and Hotel and tourism constitute share of about 3% during the same period.
Sector wise contribution in FDI equity inflows
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Tweet Opinion Rajiv Kumar Fear factor on Modi is unfounded
Dr. Rajiv Kumar
To Me
Apr 25 at 6:27 PM
Dear Sagar
I am forwarding my article …………. that has appeared in the newspaper The Mail Today on 25 April 2014.
Your comments are always welcome.
With best regards,
Rajiv kumar |
Tweet Opinion Rajiv Kumar Fear factor on Modi is unfounded |
Mr Modi, on assuming the highest political office in the country , will have to assure and reassure Muslims and other religious groups in India that his government will have zero tolerance for bigotry and discrimination on communal and religious lines. In that sense the battle may have just begun because unfortunately there are bound to be amongst us a very large number of bigoted Hindus who do not know what is good for India and will thereby try and take advantage of a Modi government by crossing that line of civilised behaviour.
The worst instances would be those of petty but nonetheless horrible acts of discrimination by the lower bureaucracy and junior ranks of police who would see a change in the government as a license for either settling old scores or stamping their communal hegemony on a hapless population. This has happened in the past, especially in UP, my parent state, both under the BJP and SP.
Ground level discrimination was visible also under BSP’s five year rule in UP but as positive discrimination in favour of the Dalit community, which was actually welcome as it challenged the established oppressive order. But such ground level discrimination cannot be allowed to fester as it would seriously threaten the very foundations of our democracy. All of us will have to be extra vigilant and the Modi government will have to show heightened sensitivity to any feedback and certainly not be seen as defensive on this issue.
Only then will we initiate the process of de-communalising our society and roll back the pseudo secularism that has thrived only on the basis of spreading fear and insecurity amongst the minorities.
Those who are spreading the fear of Modi as a communal leader and even more as a fascist dictator in the making, are either far removed from and ignorant of our changing ground realities in India or are spreading this canard most cynically for electoral support by those amongst whom this fear is being spread. But their efforts are bound to fail because India is certainly not the same as it was in 1992 and very different even from 2002. Our judiciary has far more independence and teeth and will not permit a rogue executive to last a day longer after such rogue behaviour is exposed.
Active judicial oversight, which led the Supreme Court to insist on a nine-hour grilling by the police of Mr Modi, a sitting Chief Minister has surely set a new precedence. And we should remember that Mr Modi accepted it without a murmur and without raising the spectre of a ‘Hindu backlash, which would have shown him to be not cognisant of our constitutional provisions with which he repeatedly swears. If the Election Commission can act with such alacrity to ban speeches and rallies by offending politicos, there is hope that even the political class can and will be restrained.
The media, with its ever increasing reach and impact on social perceptions and discourse will not permit any leader to go out of line and change the secular and multi-ethnic nature of our society. To argue that that the media will succumb to pressures from a manipulative dictator in the making is to simply be either naive or purposely and cynically ignore the intrinsic quality of our vibrant fourth estate which is far too diversified in its ownership and regional moorings to be amenable to such manipulation.
With the RTI and PIL mechanisms in place, the bureaucracy too will not go along with deviant behaviour of any political leader. Given these institutional realities I cannot see any Indian political leader getting into a position from which he or she could undermine these institutions that have become stronger over the years.
Thus, our institutions, nurtured over the last six and a half decades, provide the assurance and guarantee that a dictator cannot emerge and anyone who attempts to become one will given very short shrift. India is not Germany of the 1930s. From the data I have seen, the Jewish people were a mere 1 per cent of the total population in Germany in the 1930s and not 16-18 per cent as Indian Muslims are at present. To this one must add another 20 per cent of middle class Hindus who would oppose any political party’s attempt to foment communal trouble and persistently polarise the people.
And the Dalits will also not be mere bystanders. So sooner the glib and dangerous talk of emerging fascism and dictatorship stops the better because then the people’s energies and attention can be focused on the task at hand which is surely to accelerate economic growth and ensure that its benefits are widely spread through effective governance.
It is not an individual political leader or even a political formation that poses the real risk for communal and social strife breaking out in India. The greatest risk is posed by an imploding economy and mal-governance. The youth, seeking to apportion blame for their unemployment and wasted lives, will fall prey to communal and divisive forces. This will convert them into cannon fodder for fundamentalist forces of all hues. Modi has correctly emphasised rapid growth and good governance as the central planks of his program. We should hold him accountable to that goal. And if he delivers as promised, India could still be successful in its ambitious and indeed audacious experiment of simultaneously undertaking its political, economic and social transitions through democratic means.
Author is senior fellow CPR, former secretary general FICCI and former director and CEO of ICRIER
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This is an invitation to all event/media agencies from the International Confederation of NGOs (iCONGO
26042014sagar media positioning
This is an invitation to all event/media agencies from the International Confederation of NGOs (iCONGO
Attention Event/Media Companies – Inviting Expression of Interest for a big ticket knowledge forum & awards ceremony.”>Attention Event/Media Companies – Inviting Expression of Interest for a big ticket knowledge forum & awards ceremony.mall;”>This is an invitation to all event/media agencies from the International Confederation of NGOs (iCONGO). Kindly submit your tender applications towards organising our annual conference and awards which are now into its 9th year. Earlier called the RIGHT every WRONG Conclave (the most pioneering and premier thought leadership forum in India which was by invitation only for 6 years), we rechristened the same as REX- IDEAS FOR ACTION and made it a public conclave from 2012.
REX- Ideas for Action CONCLiVE, initiated by iCONGO in 2006, is the mother of all knowledge and CULTUREtainment events in this part of the world and also the most pioneering ideas for action and wisdom forum promoted by all sectors and people who want to lead change. The Latin word for REX is ‘KING’ and REX Conclive, which is the ‘King of all good thought leadership for Change’, invites nexus of leaders who speak out their cutting-edge ideas for the betterment of humanity
REX Conclive is an initiative under the auspices of the RIGHT every WRONG & Karmaveer awards movement which is promoted by iCONGO- International Confederation of NGOs & CtrlS Foundation. It is the scaled up new avatar of the RIGHT every WRONG conclave, which were knowledge forums that were pivotal for pioneering huge thought leadership for addressing various social issues ranging from Education to Healthcare & Poverty to Marginalization, Climate Change, Corruption, Electoral Reforms, CSR, Communalism, MDGs and Constitutional rights & duties awareness. The movement has instigated and inspired other campaigns like Lead India, Teach India, Social Impact Awards, Real heroes awards and various other forums on social issues. The annual RIGHT every WRONG conclave has been bringing together the world’s most fascinating thinkers and doers who have shared cutting edge ideas & thought leadership that has been translated into action & movements through the iCONGO volunteers & member networks.
REX encourages compelling talks and alternative performances for 15 minutes on a platform across LIVE audiences. The talk could be anything that fits in within the 3 pillars of REX (as given below) across the thematic sectors (Business {Banking, Insurance, Microfinance, Telecom, Advertising, Retail, Infrastructure, Low Cost Housing, Aviation & others} Luxury brands, Media, NGOs, Government, Venture Capital, Social Ventures, Media, Entertainment, Education, Healthcare, Public Health, Philanthropy, Agriculture, Youth Affairs and other themes. REX LIVE shall focus on the following 3 pillars of REX.
1. Right every Wrong actions
2. Empowering & Entertaining Ideas
3. Xocial Innovation & Entrepreneurs
3. Xocial Innovation & Entrepreneurs
The common thread the speakers need to stitch in is how the idea can make a difference for the people and the planet. For the first time we shall also open participation to the public at large, through registration for delegations
Over the years, REX has hosted an eclectic mix of eminent and grassroots thought leader from across the world, which include academicians, activists, global celebrities, entrepreneurs, captains of industry, corporate executives, journalists, students, authors, entertainers, NGO leaders, UN representatives and several rarest of rare Rock-star speakers who speak in very selective forums.
REX CONCLiVE 2012 & 2013 witnessed the most eminent & prolific “Rockstar Speakers” India has ever seen. ( ). Given below is the REX introduction video clip and the Speech by Emmy award winner Mr. Kaizaad Kotwal.
- The REX introduction video clip
- Emmy award winner Mr. Kaizaad Kotwal’s speech to launch ONE BILLION RISING
REX 2013 was a highly successful event and was supported by some very credible partners like CtrlS, BBDO, VSO International and Kyazoonga. REX-2013 donor & delegate invitations were priced at Rs. 35,000 for all the programs, events and awards ceremonies inclusive of food and beverages. Last year, after having received an overwhelming response to our event tender, we organised the event with a midsized Delhi based event agency to experiment with. Together we made a huge profit and we shared our profits with the event agency. This year we want to scale up with the right event agency and handover the whole event management and marketing to them. We are looking for an event agency to work with us as our joint venture PARTNERS OF CHOICE and take over the event property and thus enable us to focus purely on planning the content and speakers for the event. Last year we had a delegation of over 1200 people for the 3 day event that was held in Delhi. Over the years, after our having started REX, various others have started organizing knowledge forums and are pricing their invites for Rs. 1.0 lakh upwards. We are the pioneers and bring in the best line up of speakers and shall work with the organization we choose to decide on the pricing strategy which was too prudently priced last year at Rs. 35,000/- only.
Over the years, people who have spoken in the forum have called REX the best knowledge platform in this part of the world and compared us with the World Philanthropy Forum, Skoll World Forum and TED. Although the comparison is flattering and with all due respect to these forums, we are not them and we surely have our own identity and distinctiveness. REX is based on the Eastern Thought Process of sharing progressive & traditional wisdom to churn KINGSIZE (REX is Latin for KING) thought leadership for Change. Based on the thought by Gautam Buddha -‘ An idea that is developed and put into action is more important than an idea that exists only as an idea’, REX unlike TED focused on ideas that are functional, replicable, sustainable and scalable. REX is the new avatar of the RIGHT every WRONG conclave from 2012 and some of the past impact of the conclave is as given below. Over the years REX has had “Rockstar speakers” which include musicians, actors, international celebrities, sport stars, entrepreneurs, captains of industry, development leaders and various other. People who have been thought leaders at our forum in the past include Princess Francois, Prince Charles, Brett Lee, Rahul Bose, Richard Gere, Gregory Roberts (Shantaram Author), Rahul Bose, Kajol, Gul Panag, Amala, Gopichand Pullela, Remo, Rahul Dravid, Mahesh Bhupati, Anu Aga, Ajay Bijli, Sunil Mittal, Dr. Villoo Patell, Bobby Cash, Vijay Mehta, Michael Norton, Kaizaad Kotwal, Nileema Mishra, James Michael Lyngdoh, Dr. Verghese Kurien, Yogesh Kocchar, Dr. M. S . Swaminathan and many others. We have also lined up some of the finest speakers across the globe for REX 2013-14. REX CONCLiVE shall have over 36 RockStar speakers” and 12 “RockStar performances” by alternative artistes.
iCONGO shall be responsible as curator for bringing in all the speakers and the performers for the REX – 2013- 14 . The costs for speakers and performers that we arrange shall be borne by iCONGO. Some of the speakers & performances may be seen in YouTube links given below. All live talks and performances shall be put up on REX Tube on our event portal where the sponsors shall also get branding in perpetuity. Hence REX shall be a large on ground & online event forum and is an ideal & credible marketing and brand visibility platform for several brands. We are looking for an event company that can do the business development/ sponsorships management and also help with the organizing/ production of the Conclave (We may work with one organization for the business development/ sponsorships and production and may have separate tenders/ agreements for both processes). Once we choose the event company, the Chief Representative of the event agency may also be invited as a co – founder with the other co-founders as given in the PPT. We are looking for a long term partnership and not just to work with you as an event organization.
The impact of the past 6 years is as given below. Founded by the undersigned, REX in its new Avatar has some of the past speakers as co-founders and they shall all also be present at the event in January 2014. The event is scheduled for January 30th to February 1st 2014.
The 1st RIGHT every WRONG conclave in 2006, where the Omega ratings NGO accountability deed was announced, led to the Planning Commission adopting a NGO registration & disclosure process. During the first conclave we also planned the skill based livelihood program for marginalized youth in partnership with industry associations and USAID. This thought leadership has now led to the formation of the National Skills Development Corporation. The 2nd conclave in 2007 led to various other forums and the knowledge churned was even used in the journals at UPEACE. The 3rd conclave in 2008 led to a sustained campaign for electoral reforms, the No Criminals & Engage Voters campaign during elections. The 4th conclave in 2009 led to Indians against Corruption, where citizens pledged to say NO to corruption and the UN started the ACT -Against Corruption Today movement globally. The 5th conclave in 2010, with the Ministry of Home Affairs, led to action against communalism and the creation of Volunteers for Peace & Communal Harmony. The 6th conclave in 2012 on how citizen need to adopt fundamental duties has led to ZEE TV and the Ministry of Sports & Youth Affairs leading a campaign to promote the fulfillment of fundamental duties by citizens. The Humane Capitalism Conclave we organised under the aegis of the RIGHT every WRONG movement with Ms. Anu Aga as Chief Patron led to a forum on corporate governance at Harvard University and we are now creating the “100 most caring, ethical businesses & business leaders Humane Capitalism Index” in partnership with Dun & Bradstreet.
Please read these documents carefully AboutREX & The sponsorshipPPT which is available here. Download the Tender Document from and do send us your expressions of interest by 5th May, 2014, with your credentials and a brief “statement of purpose” about how you shall add value to REX. We shall then forward you our detailed tender documents if we decide to include you in our 2nd round of short listing. The tender process shall consist of 2 rounds i.e. your tender application in Round 1 and Round 2 would be the submission of the tender document with your strategy and plan. Apply Today! Who knows your company may be the chosen ones as our partners for the long term? We are looking for a minimum partnership and JOINT VENTURE arrangement for a period of 7 years to begin with. Join us in scaling up and creating this historic online and on-ground knowledge movement property.
Some speeches and performances from over the years:
- Jerry -
- Street Children & Geeta Chandran -
- Performance by Ability Unlimited -
- Right every Wrong song by Bobby Cash, Baby Benzy & Diwakar -
- Former CBI Director D. R. Karthikeyan speaking on corruption -
- Writer of Shantaram, Gregory Roberts on Corruption -
- Mr. James Lyngdoh at 3rd REW conclave -
- Meera Sanyaal, Dilip Thakore -
- L M Singhvi & Arun Maira -
Shalom and Jai Hind!
With warmest regards
Jeroninio Almeida
Founder & Just Another Volunteer | International Confederation of NGOs | | M – + 91 828.500.0262 | Skype – Jeroninio | Together as ONE we can RIGHT every WRONG |
Founder & Just Another Volunteer | International Confederation of NGOs | | M – + 91 828.500.0262 | Skype – Jeroninio | Together as ONE we can RIGHT every WRONG |

iCONGO believes that it is not mindless & arrogant charity but humble & involved social justice that is wanting in our world . We passionately work with PEOPLE across the globe, for encouraging social justice through citizen action with a vision of creating a just, humane, egalitarian and responsible society. On the other end, we work with the PEOPLE SECTOR (i.e. the NGOs which are rapidly losing out on credibility today), to reclaim and preserve public trust for the people sector. We have constantly endeavored and taken the less trodden path, to encourage more involvement of citizens with social issues and created movements like The Joy of Giving, RIGHT every WRONG, Karmayuga, REX CONCLiVE and Karmaveer movement and inspired other socially relevant ideas with our thought leadership. More details on This TV story by CNBC on iCONGO shall tell you about our mission . Watch Video
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11 Airtel Rising Stars from India will train at the prestigious ‘Manchester United Soccer School’ this month
11 Airtel Rising Stars from India will train at the prestigious ‘Manchester United Soccer School’ this month
- Mohd Aqib and Karan Khurana selected from Delhi -
New Delhi, 25th April 2014: Marking the culmination of Airtel Rising Stars 2013-14, the country’s largest and most intensive six-month talent hunt conducted across seven cities, eleven of India’s finest under-sixteen football players grabbed the chance of a lifetime to train at the prestigious Manchester United Soccer School.
Sanath Valldares and Akram Khan from Mumbai, Arka Dey and Rajib Roy from Kolkata, Mohd Aqib and Karan Khurana from Delhi, Premchand Singh (GoalKeeper) and Niraj Singh from Bangalore, Liston Colaco and Jolitan Dias from Goa, and Rakesh K from Hyderabad will fly to Manchester on 26th April 2014. Airtel Rising Stars of Bangladesh and Sri Lanka will also be accompanying the Indian eleven to Manchester.
Out of twenty-three selected participants from 7 cities, the chosen eleven emerged as the most promising after the rigorous two-day camp in Goa in February, where they were judged on technical and tactical skill, physical and mental strength, social skills, on field behaviour, communication, discipline, enthusiasm and fair play.
At the Manchester United Soccer School, the players will undergo a weeklong training beginning 28th April and ending 1st May alongside the Manchester United Academy team. The camp will take place at the Salford City Reds Stadium where players will undergo practical sessions and workshops on ‘Live the United Way’. On 2nd May the players will be at the Aon Training Complex witnessing the football festival along with medal presentation and closing.
On their arrival in the United Kingdom on 26th April, the players will also tour the iconic Old Trafford Stadium and watch the match between Manchester United FC and Norwich City FC. Their itinerary also includes a city tour on 27th April, which will be a relaxed day for the boys.
Started by Bharti Airtel in association with Manchester United, one of the best soccer clubs in the world, Airtel Rising Stars screens young footballers across India for sporting capabilities and skill sets based on their performance in tests, real time match simulations etc.
Speaking on the culmination of the ‘Airtel Rising Stars 2013-14’ program, Mohit Beotra, Chief Brand Officer, Bharti Airtel, said, “We are excited at the opportunity that Airtel Rising Stars has given these 11 young boys and wish them all the best for their career in professional football”
Airtel Rising Stars 2013-14, an initiative launched by Bharti Airtel has provided these talented young players a platform to help them kick-off a career in professional football.
The on-ground execution of ‘Airtel Rising Stars’ has been entrusted to Procam International – India’s largest Sports marketing and Leisure Management company.
In 2009, Bharti Airtel had announced its tie-up with Manchester United to bring a variety of benefits for Airtel’s football loving customers in India.. As part of this association, Airtel customers across India have been enjoying exclusive access to Manchester United football content as well as money-can’t-buy match experiences. The ARS programme is an extension of this long term association between brand Airtel and Manchester United.
For more information, please call
Procam International
Neha Parab Kandalgaonkar/ Deepak M Pilankar
+91 9892194965/ +91 98207 98135