‘Unity for Diversity!’
The expectation has been building up, and the excitement
is now palpable.
Earth is not for sale or plunder!” is the opening
declaration of the People’s Biodiversity Festival, Oct 13 to 16, at the Exhibition
Grounds, Nampally, Hyderabad.
Over 80 groups from all over India are participating.
About 60 stalls will have indigenous seeds, posters, photographs, books,
ecological products, folk arts and crafts. The ‘Food Corner’ will offer a
variety of indigenous, organic foods. Open seminars, cultural programmes, and
film screenings will be held on all days.
The ‘Rice Mela’, a part of the ‘People’s
Biodiversity Festival’, has already launched today. It brings you numerous
varieties of rice from all over India – in various flavors and colors. Each has its special characteristics and
nutritional value. Several varieties
have medicinal properties; some are particularly suited to diabetics. But sadly,
few people know that India – a global centre of origin and mega-diversity of
rice – boasted over 200,000 (two lakh) varieties till just five decades ago!
The larger ‘People’s Biodiversity Festival’ begins
tomorrow (Saturday) at 11 am, with an inaugural adivasi ceremony of connecting
to Nature in a spirit of reverence. The lamp-lighting will then be done by
stalwarts like Bhaskar Save, veteran natural farmer (now 90), who received the
‘One World Award’ for Lifetime Achievement from the International Federation of
Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM). This will be followed by the Opening
Plenary on the People’s Biodiversity Festival, and what it stands for. (Please
also see our earlier Press Release on this.)
The Saturday afternoon session features an open
seminar on ‘Biodiversity and Ecological Agriculture’, which will be addressed by
successful and well-known farmers like Bhaskar Save, Vasant Futane and others. The
evening Cultural Program will be inaugurated by the well-know folk and revolutionary
singer, Gaddar.
The People’s Biodiversity Festival has also invited
children (10 to 15 years) to submit their creative expressions on ‘Saving
Mother Earth’ – in art, poetry, slogan or short essay – on a single A4 size sheet
of paper, with their names and contact details. The best 20 such expressions will
be presented with gifts.
The participants at the People’s Biodiversity
Festival will affirm a positive collective pledge to protect Nature and its now
severely endangered treasure of biodiversity.
kindly depute your senior correspondent of print/electronic media to cover the
program. We promise you many very interesting stories!
13th October (Saturday), 11.30 am
Exhibition Grounds, Gate No 2 (opposite BJP office), Nampally, Hyderabad.
the People’s Biodiversity Festival Organizing Team
Narasimha Reddy, Uma Shankari, Jacob Nellithanam, Bharat Mansata, Saraswati
Kavula, Rajshekar, Asha Latha, Sitaram, Sashank Rajwadi. Contact No – 090102
05742; 7842439062