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Haryana Entitled to 9 BCM Yamuna Waters
Before CJI Bench of The Supreme Court
ERADI – Haryana Was Entitled to 9 BCM Yamuna Waters
March06, 2016 (C) Ravinder Singh
ERADI – Haryana Was Entitled to 9 BCM Yamuna Waters
March06, 2016 (C) Ravinder Singh
Honorable CJI,
Justice TS Thakur,
Supreme Court of India
Justice TS Thakur,
Supreme Court of India
Reference – Yamuna & SYL Disputes Before Supreme Court
Respected Sir,
Honorable Justice TS Thakur led Supreme Court bench was annoyed when
dispute over the building of Renuka Dam came up on October15, 2015 –
but it is even more Shocking – Haryana was entitled to 9 BCM of water
between 1950-1994 made no efforts to Build Renuka-Lakhwar-Vyasi Dams
when price of Land required for Construction was DIRT CHEAP – didn’t
contribute its share even to use 5.73 BCM of Yamuna Waters.
Honorable Justice TS Thakur led Supreme Court bench was annoyed when
dispute over the building of Renuka Dam came up on October15, 2015 –
but it is even more Shocking – Haryana was entitled to 9 BCM of water
between 1950-1994 made no efforts to Build Renuka-Lakhwar-Vyasi Dams
when price of Land required for Construction was DIRT CHEAP – didn’t
contribute its share even to use 5.73 BCM of Yamuna Waters.
This WIPO awarded inventor had regularly petitioned to GoI since 1978
Record Floods in Yamuna River that could have wiped out East Delhi
that Delhi Should widen 300m Railway Bridge next IP Power Station to
500m or 750m for the safety of East Delhi and parts of rest of Delhi.
Source: –
Record Floods in Yamuna River that could have wiped out East Delhi
that Delhi Should widen 300m Railway Bridge next IP Power Station to
500m or 750m for the safety of East Delhi and parts of rest of Delhi.
Source: –
Punjab Lost Rs.60,00,000 Cr+50,000 Killed – Haryana Rs.60,00,000 Cr
Punjab and Haryana had suffered Massive Economic Losses since 1950
from Delays in Building Storage Dams in Punjab and Haryana over Indus
& Upper Yamuna Basins. Dams on Beas & Ravi were built in 1994 and 2004
and no Storage Dam is built in Yamuna Basin even today. Losses are due
to No Flood Protection, Loss of Water Flowing in to Pakistan and to
Sea, Use of Hard Ground Water for Irrigation consuming 30% of Power
Available, Use of Ground Water for Drinking & other uses and
Agriculture Productivity Loss etc, Pollution etc. Punjab also lost
50,000 in Agitations. Economic Losses from all accounts are over
Rs.60,00,000 Cr each.
from Delays in Building Storage Dams in Punjab and Haryana over Indus
& Upper Yamuna Basins. Dams on Beas & Ravi were built in 1994 and 2004
and no Storage Dam is built in Yamuna Basin even today. Losses are due
to No Flood Protection, Loss of Water Flowing in to Pakistan and to
Sea, Use of Hard Ground Water for Irrigation consuming 30% of Power
Available, Use of Ground Water for Drinking & other uses and
Agriculture Productivity Loss etc, Pollution etc. Punjab also lost
50,000 in Agitations. Economic Losses from all accounts are over
Rs.60,00,000 Cr each.
Undisclosed FACTS About Punjab & Haryana Water Disputes
Haryana Lost 3.3 BCM Share in 1994 Yamuna Agreement
1.] As per agreement between Punjab & Haryana of 1954 – Punjab
[Haryana Since 1966] was entitled to 9.056 BCM of Yamuna Waters since
1950 till 1994. Haryana Made No Attempts to Build Storage Renuka,
Lakhwar & Vyasi Dams [Yamuna Dams] when it had 70%+ Share in Upper
Yamuna Basin.
Haryana Lost 3.3 BCM Share in 1994 Yamuna Agreement
1.] As per agreement between Punjab & Haryana of 1954 – Punjab
[Haryana Since 1966] was entitled to 9.056 BCM of Yamuna Waters since
1950 till 1994. Haryana Made No Attempts to Build Storage Renuka,
Lakhwar & Vyasi Dams [Yamuna Dams] when it had 70%+ Share in Upper
Yamuna Basin.
2.] As per 1994 Agreement between Haryana, UP, Himachal, Delhi &
Rajasthan – Haryana’s Share Was Cut 5.73 BCM or Loss of 3.3 BCM of
Water due to its INABILITY to Use 9.056 BCM Entitlements.
Rajasthan – Haryana’s Share Was Cut 5.73 BCM or Loss of 3.3 BCM of
Water due to its INABILITY to Use 9.056 BCM Entitlements.
3.] Storage Dams on Beas & Ravi Rivers were delayed and up to 20 BCM
overflowed in to Pakistan till Storage Dams were built 1994/2004.
overflowed in to Pakistan till Storage Dams were built 1994/2004.
4.] As per ‘Seasonal Allocation in 1994 Agreement’ [Pending
construction of the storages] Haryana was Entitled to just 1.623 BCM
of Water out of 5.73 BCM annual entitlement for November-June 8
construction of the storages] Haryana was Entitled to just 1.623 BCM
of Water out of 5.73 BCM annual entitlement for November-June 8
5. And Normal River Flows in November to June Months are just 2.927
BCM out 13 BCM average to be by Haryana, UP, Delhi, Rajasthan & HP.
BCM out 13 BCM average to be by Haryana, UP, Delhi, Rajasthan & HP.
REMEDY-2: – Appoint ‘Monitoring Committee To Speedily Built Yamuna Dams’.
REMEDY-3: – Haryana to Use Yamuna Waters than Demand Ravi & Beas Waters.
REMEDY-2: – Appoint ‘Monitoring Committee To Speedily Built Yamuna Dams’.
REMEDY-3: – Haryana to Use Yamuna Waters than Demand Ravi & Beas Waters.
Ravinder Singh, Inventor & Consultant, INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES AND PROJECTS
Y-77, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016, India. Ph; 091- 9871056471,
9718280435, 9650421857
Ravinder Singh* is a WIPO awarded inventor specializing in Power,
Smart Cities, Water, Energy Saving, Agriculture, Manufacturing,
Technologies and Projects
Y-77, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016, India. Ph; 091- 9871056471,
9718280435, 9650421857
Ravinder Singh* is a WIPO awarded inventor specializing in Power,
Smart Cities, Water, Energy Saving, Agriculture, Manufacturing,
Technologies and Projects
UN Women, youth ‘Step It Up’ for gender equality at Raahgiri