महाभारत में महाबली भीम का किरदार निभाने वाले प्रवीण कुमार आम आदमी पार्टी में शामिल
आज पूर्व निगम पार्षद व भाजपा नेता चौधरी रामबीर सिंह ने भी किया "आप"जोइन
टीवी पर बहु चर्चित
धारवाहिक महाभारत में महाबली भीम का किरदार निभाने वाले प्रवीण कुमार कल
औपचारिक तौर पर आम आदमी पार्टी में शामिल होंगे. प्रवीण कुमार धारावाहिक
महाभारत में कौरवों के भ्रष्टाचार और अन्याय ही नहीं, ज़मीनी स्थर पर भी
भ्रष्टाचारियों और जनता के हित में आवाज़ उठाते रहें हैं.
कल करावल नगर
विधानसभा के अंतर्गत आने वाले सोनिया विहार वार्ड में अरविन्द केजरीवाल की
जनसभा में प्रवीण कुमार पार्टी औपचारिक रूप से पार्टी में शामिल होंगें. टीवी
पर भीम का किरदार निभाने के आलावा प्रवीण कुमार एक अन्तराष्ट्रीय स्थर के
खिलाडी भी है. इन्होने 1966 और1970 में एशियन गेम्स में स्वर्ण पदक भी
जीता है. इसके अतिरिक्त प्रवीण कुमार ने कई फिल्मों में भी काम किया है.
आज दिल्ली नगर निगम के पूर्व पार्षद, भाजपा नेता व दिल्ली में गुज्जर समाज के वरिष्ठ प्रतिनिधि चौधरी रामबीर सिंह आम आदमी पार्टी में शामिल हो गए. उन्होंने पार्टी के कार्यालय में अपने साथियों सहित अरविन्द केजरीवाल जी से मुलाकात कर पार्टी की सदस्यता हासिल की. चौधरी
रामबीर सिंह करावल नगर विधानसभा में स्थित खजूरी वार्ड से निगम पार्षद रहे
है व संयुक्त नगर निगम में समिति के अध्यक्ष व शाहदरा उत्तरी क्षेत्र के
जोन चेयरमैन भी रहे है. चौधरी
रामबीर सिंह के साथ-साथ आज करावल नगर विधान सभा में सोनिया विहार क्षेत्र
से समाजवादी पार्टी के निगम प्रत्याशी रहे श्री दिनेश यादव व पश्चिमी
करावल नगर से RWA से श्री गिरिजेश यादव भी आम आदमी पार्टी में शामिल हो गये. उल्लेखनीय
है कि कुछ दिन पहले करावल नगर विधान सभा से समाजवादी पार्टी के विधानसभा
अध्यक्ष व निगम के प्रत्याशी श्री राम सेवक उपाध्याय भी आम आदमी पार्टी में शामिल हो गए थे.
The electricity meter of Shazia Ilmi, AAP candidate from RK Puram
Assembly seat, was forcibly removed by BSES officials in the presence
of eight police personnel from CR Park police station. Despite
protests, the electricity meter was not only removed, but the seal was
also broken and taken away by BSES officials.
It is shameful that while electricity bill of both Ruling and
Opposition party leaders has been mounting for years, the government
has been going smooth on them. It was recently widely reported that BJP
supremo Rajnath Singh has a due of over Rs 5.50 lakh, Jagdish Tytler of
over Rs 10 lakhs, Ram Vilas Paswan of over 1.50 lakhs – the list is
long. Surprisingly, no action has ever been taken against them. This
only proves that the BJP and Congress are hand in glove.
On the other hand, the connection of AAP leader Shazia Ilmi who has
been very vocal against inflated electricity bills in the national
capital has been terminated. Her electricity bill for the last few
months was just Rs. 58000. It is even more surprising that 8 police
personnel were called to oversee the removal of electricity meter at
Ilmi’s residence for BSES officials.
In the month of March, Aam Aadmi Party had launched Bijli-pani
satyagrah as part of which people were requested not to pay the
inflated electricity bills. Shazia Ilmi had not paid her bills for the
last few months as part of protest against electricity hike in Delhi
and inflated electricity bills by Shiela Dikshit Government. The police
and the BSES members have also threatened a raid on Ilmi’s residence in
case she tried to restore electricity connection herself.
Unperturbed by the incident Shazia Ilmi said, “I will continue my fight
against unjustified increase in price of electricity which is eating
into the budget of common man. I will not be intimidated by any act of
coercion and strong arm tactics of Delhi Government and Delhi police.”
It is clearly evident that state machinery is being used to harass AAP
leaders and volunteers. Shazia Ilmi has also alleged that the RK Puram
office situated at Munirka market has been barricaded by the police to
prevent effective access to AAP office. This has been done by the
Traffic Police deliberately on the pretext of preventing traffic jams
as there have been no incident of traffic jams in that part. The
barricading has been done only in that particular part of the market
where AAP office is situated. Not only this, there has been excessive
surveillance on AAP activities in RK Puram area, with the meeting venue
being frequented by police personnel irrespective of private or public
spaces used as venues. These incidents smack of political bias and
misuse of state machinery against targeting AAP leaders and volunteers.
Tourism Minister sanctions major projects to North eastern states.
a major boast to the North-East tourism sector, Union Tourism Minister
Shri K. Chiranjeevi has approved Central Finance Assistance (CFA) to
various tourism development projects in the state of Arunachal Pradesh,
Sikkim and Nagaland.
1) Development of Tourist infrastructure at Bura-Nilkantha at Legship in West Sikkim. Rs.89.10 lakh.
is a beautiful river side location en-route to Geyzing and Renchenpong.
By strengthening tourist facilities at this spot is found essential to
render a way side tourist point along this circuit, so that the
tourists are not strained by distant travel. The project involve in
the development of amenity block, construction of Eco-friendly walkways
and Landscaping & Beautification.
2) Strengthening
of wayside tourism facilities along with the national highway in Sikkim
Circuit. Amount Sanctioned Rs.160.00 lakh.
This project involves in the construction of Car parking area, way side amenities along with the NH-31A in Rangpo town.
3) Rs.160.00
lakh has been sanctioned towards, Providing and display of superlative
signages and hoardings in Sikkim. The proposed signages and Hoardings
will be displayed at various places like railway stations, bus stops
and hotels, in order to showcase and propagate the tourism potential of
the state.
4) Development of Tourist Circuit along Marchak including Development of Barchangey water site in East Sikkim.
Amount Sanctioned Rs.160.00 lakh.
project involves in the development of Tourist infrastructure like
tourist accommodation, cafeteria, viewing deck and water bodies at
Barchangey waterfall site.
Arunachal Pradesh:
1) “Mega Tourist Destination at Tawang ”.
Amount Sanctioned Rs.463.34 lakh.
project involves in the construction of Guest house complex, Tawang
monestry restaurant, Dormitory complex and development of waterfall
viewing gallery, Children Park and Amphitheatre at Tawang.
2) Construction of Tourist Complex at Hunli Lower Dibang Valley District.
Amount Sanctioned Rs.98.05 lakh.
region is part of the lower Dibang valley district and is popular for
its scenic beauty and cold temperature which attracts domestic and
foreign tourists. With a view to project the region as a major
destination, government has conceived this project as a flagship
project to preserve and to promote eco tourism and provide
accessibility to tourist in terms of adventure. This project will
increase the inflow of visitors because the project will provide the
platform to disseminate knowledge about the multi-fascinating local
tribal people inhabiting the areas from centuries.
1) “Eco-Adventure and culture destination at Kuhuboto”.
Amount Sanctioned Rs.100.00 Lakh.
is a virgin tourist destination which is rich in natural beauty. This
place is endowed with lush green mountains and valleys, flowers,
mountain streams etc. Kuhuboto has a close proximity to Dimapur, which
is promising destination both from Tourism and Business stand point.
project involves in the construction of Budget Accommodation hotel,
tourist reception center, open air theater, public toilet, food court,
parking area and cafeteria.
Confederation of All India Traders (CAIT) has demanded all three
Municipal Corporations of Delhi to move to Delhi High Court appealing
for granting more time to people of Delhi for filing appeal against
sealing and demolition of their shops in Appellate Tribunal of the MCD.
is noteworthy that the Supreme Court which was earlier hearing the
matters pertaining to sealing and demolitions in Delhi has transferred
all petitions and IAs pertaining to sealing of shops to Appellate
Tribunal of MCD in its order dated 30th April,2013. The other IAs and
petitions challenging Master Plan or Act of the Central Government were
transferred to Delhi High Court The apex court also granted a time of
one month for filing an appeal before the Appellate Tribunal for the
persons who could not do so earlier. But because of the fact that most
people were remained unaware of the order of the Supreme Court, they
could not avail the opportunity.
the CAIT has urged all three MCDs to file an appeal before the High
Court for granting more time for filing such appeal.
apex court has also directed the Appellate Tribunal to dispose of the
cases as early as possible within a period of one year. The CAIT said
that about 700 IAs have been transferred to Appellate Tribunal and
since there is only one such Tribunal, it is almost difficult for the
Tribunal to dispose of the cases in stipulated period as directed by
the Supreme Court. Therefore, the CAIT has also urged the MCDs to take
necessary action in requesting the competent Authority to constitute
more Appellate Tribunals so that all such cases must be dispose of at
the earliest.
उत्तर प्रदेश में आखिर कब रुकेगा हिन्दुओं का उत्पीडन: विहिप
अखिलेश की नमाजवादी सरकार की कमान आजम खान के हाथ!नई दिल्ली सितम्बर 8, 2013। हाल ही की उत्तर प्रदेश के मुजफ़्फ़र नगर जिले की दर्द विदारक घटना ने हमें फ़िर से एक बार मुगलिया सल्तनत की याद ताजा कर दी है जब हिन्दुओं की बहू-बेटिंया इज्जत के डर से घर से बाहर जाने से भी परहेज करती थीं। वहां एक तरफ़ तो हिन्दू युवकों ने अपनी बहिन की इज्जत बचाने हेतु प्रयास किया किन्तु उन्ही की सरे आम हत्या की गई। इतना ही नहीं हत्यारों को पकडने की बजाए मारे गए युवकों के परिजनों पर ही पुलिस ने केस बना डाला। कभी हिन्दुओं की धर्म नगरी अयोध्या की 84 कोसी परिक्रमा पर प्रतिबन्ध लगाया जाता है तो कभी हमारे हिन्दू नेताओं और पूज्य संतों को अकारण जेलों में बन्द कर दिया जाता है। विश्व हिन्दू परिषद दिल्ली के महा मंत्री श्री सत्येन्द्र मोहन ने घटना पर गहरा छोभ व्यक्त कर मृतात्माओं को श्रद्धांजलि देते हुए पूछा है कि उत्तर प्रदेश में आजम खान के कमान वाली नमाजवादी सरकार आखिर कब तक हिन्दू समाज का इस प्रकार दमन करती रहेगी।
विहिप दिल्ली के झण्डेवालान कार्यालय पर हुई एक बैठक की विस्तृत जानकारी देते हुए विहिप दिल्ली के मीडिया प्रमुखश्री विनोद बंसल ने बताया कि अयोध्या की 84 कोसी परिक्रमा में मात्र 200 संतों की धार्मिक यात्रा से रोकने के लिए उत्तर प्रदेश सरकार ने चालीस हजार सुरक्षा कर्मी तैनात किए जहां किसी प्रकार से शान्ति भंग होने का कोई कारण ही नहीं था। किन्तु, मुजफ़्फ़र नगर जैसे संवेदन शील जिले में पुलिस नदारद थी। और जो कुछ पुलिस कर्मी थे भी तो लगता है कि उसे कुछ और ही निर्देश थे। विहिप ने इस बैठक में पारित अपने एक प्रस्ताव में पूछा है कि उत्तर प्रदेश सरकार का यह दोगला चेहरा आखिर कब तक हिन्दू समाज से छुपा रहेगा। बैठक में सभी मृतकों को श्रद्धांजलि देते हुए घटना की न्यायिक जांच के साथ साथ किसी भी सूरत इनकी पुनरावृति रोकने की मांग की गई। साथ ही इस बात पर भी आश्चर्य व्यक्त किया गया कि जब देश में कहीं भी हिन्दुओं का नर-संहार होता है तो राजनैतिक दल किस बिल में घुस जाते है कि उनकी आबाज भी नहीं निकलती?
में विहिप के प्रान्त उपाध्यक्ष श्री गुरुदीन प्रसाद, श्री दीपक कुमार,
श्री महावीर प्रसाद व बजरंग दल के प्रान्त संयोजक श्री शिव कुमार सहित
अनेक पदाधिकारी उपस्थित थे।
विनोद बंसल,
मीडिया प्रमुख,
इंद्र्प्रस्थ विश्व हिंदू परिषद, दिल्ली।
मो – 9810949109
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Decriminalizing Defamation: Global perspectives on punishments for speech
Centre for Communication Governance at National Law University, Delhi and Foundation for Media Professionals
Invites you to a panel discussion on
Decriminalizing Defamation: Global perspectives on punishments for speech
Monday, 9 September 2013
Press Club of India, Raisina Road
3.30 pm
Keynote address:
Manish Tewari
Union Minister for Information & Broadcasting
Peter Noorlander
CEO, Media Legal Defence Initiative, London
Nani Jansen
Freedom of Expression Lawyer with International Experience
Chinmayi Arun
Research Director, Centre for Communication Governance
Paranjoy Guha Thakurta
President, Foundation for Media Professionals
For more details see attachment
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